News and Events

LI International Scientific and Practical Conference of InEU “Integration of Education and Science
On April 10-11, 2025, the Innovative Eurasian University will host the 51st International
Monthly seminars on the topic "Tools for Developing Students’ Intellectual Abilities" continue to
At the request of psychologists and subject teachers in the city of Pavlodar, the Innovative
InEU students participated in the regional forum "Birlik – Unity.KZ" and attended a meeting with
The traditional regional forum "Birlik – Unity.KZ" was held in Pavlodar for the tenth time. This
LI International Scientific and Practical Conference of InEU “Integration of Education and Science – a Step into the Future”
On April 10-11, 2025, the Innovative Eurasian University will host the 51st International Scientific and Practical Conference titled “Integration of Education and Science – a Step into the Future.”
Welcome to INEU
Инновационный Евразийский Университет (ИнЕУ) 15 июля 2023г. объявляет конкурс на замещение вакантных должностей:
профессоров, доцентов, старших преподавателей по следующим образовательным программам:
- Divisions
- Education
- International cooperation
on the quality of life of the rural population of Pavlodar region"