The US Embassy, together with the Innovative Eurasian University, is launching the STEMulation project focused on the development of scientific and technical education in the Pavlodar region, which is the industrial heart of Kazakhstan.
STEM is a curriculum in four disciplines: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. STEM brings them together into a single learning paradigm based on real-world practice.
- Within the framework of the project, we identified the needs of the industrial sector of the Pavlodar region and the needs of the teaching community. This gives us the opportunity to open a STEM Hub on the basis of the Innovative Eurasian University, - says Anastasia Aliyasova, head of the department of scientific and organizational work and international cooperation of InEU. - University teachers will develop modular courses in chemistry, mathematics, computer science, robotics. We will also teach 100 school teachers of Pavlodar city English and STEM subjects.
The implementation of the "STEMulation" project will create a cluster of STEM education in Pavlodar region, prepare teaching materials and teaching staff, increase the interest of students in the study of engineering and natural sciences based on an integrated learning approach.
Thanks to STEM education, Pavlodar schoolchildren and students will be able to get high-paying professions that are in demand in the near future, and increase their own competitiveness in the labor market.
STEM is a growing education movement around the world. Today it covers not only universities, but also schools and preschool educational institutions. The USA is the leader in STEM directions.
STEMulation is a project sponsored and supported by the US Diplomatic Mission in Kazakhstan.
Work plan for the "STEM" project with the Department of Education of Pavlodar in the period from 2020-2021.
STEM programe
Resume of project participants:
Anastassiya Aliyassova — candidate of philological sciences, assopciated professor, first Vice Rector of InEU, coordinator of STEMulation project.
Chuikina Alexandra – master of humanities, head of international office of InEU, English language teacher, manager of the STEMulation project.
Dyussenulen Baurzhan K, candidate of chemical Sciences,
Area of interest: research projects, organic chemistry
Direction of STEM education: using laboratory work in the in-depth study of organic chemistry. (build settings – the engineering solution of the kinetic parameters, such as mathematics, scheduling and dependencies – computerization).
Munira Bokayeva
Innovative University of Eurasia, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan –
Senior teacher of mathematics department „ Metallurgy Energy and Information technologies”
Master of Science in Mathematics
Master of Education "Computer Science"
The math teacher in the project
Role in the project STEM - Teach mathematics using methods and tools of geometric visualizations and transformations, discrete mathematics, statistical analysis and use the acquired knowledge and skills in other disciplines
Tyulyugenova Lyazzat Baltabaevna
Master of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, "Energy, metallurgy and information technologies" departmentAims & skills:- Creation and use STEAM-oriented lesson plans and curriculums
- Development of modular courses in the direction of "Information technology" within the framework of the STEM project.
Abykenova Dariya is a Head of IT HUB department, IT specialist, teacher of ICT. Dariya has a great scientific background in the field of Informatization of Education, Distance Learning, Virtual Learning Environment, IT-training. Published more than 50 scientific papers. Dariya has a master's degree in Computer Science and PhD. I have been working in Higher Education since 2002. I worked as a Teacher, Head of the Department of Informatization and Director of the Center of Informatization. Currently, I work in the Department of IT HUB of the Toraighyrov University.
In this project I am acting as a developer and teacher of the Robotics course.
Gulmira Khamitova
English teacher
Ph.D., professor of InEU
Experience of participation in European projects (Erasmus, Erasmus +, TOSCA)
Experience of participation in grant programs of the US State Department (e-course on Critical Thinking; SUSI-2010; Stemulation)
Winner of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan award "The Best Teacher of the University 2012"
Kabbassova Ainagul is a Master of Pedagogical sciences, Senior lecturer of English at the “Languages, literature and journalism” department, InEU, the English teacher in the STEM project.
My name is Abeyeva Anel. I graduated from Innovative University of Eurasia with a degree in foreign language: two foreign languages. I have been teaching English since 2017. I am an experienced teacher of working with kids and adults, which brings me a lot of pleasure. I have successfully passed the Cambridge TKT exam, specialized in testing knowledge of teaching methods. Besides, I studied abroad for two years in China, where I received a master's degree. Presently, I take part in the STEM project as an English teacher.

1980-1984 гг. – training at the Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute in the specialty "Russian language and literature"
Postgraduate education:
1991 -1994 гг. – postgraduate studies at the Department of the Russian Language of ASU. Abaya (full-time)
Academic degree, academic title: Doctor of Philology, Professor
Итоговые работы учителей школ г. Павлодар по Математике, Химии и Информатике в рамках проекта STEMulation
Рабочая тетрадь (Workbook) Solutions, mixtures and alloys by Naletenlo R., Adilbayeva A., Orekhovskaya V., Budkova V.
Учебные планы для 7 классов по Геометрии (на англ. яз.) (Авторы Baimuldina M. A, Kabulova Zh. S., Karibayeva N. Kh, Mukanova N. B)
Учебные планы для 7 классов по Геометрии (на рус. яз.) (Авторы Baimuldina M. A, Kabulova Zh. S., Karibayeva N. Kh, Mukanova N. B)
Все итоговые работы групп по Математике
Авторы Айдина И., Белякова О, Женаева Е., Закирова А., Шеметова И.,
Авторы Аскарова А.,Досмагамбетова С., Норпеисова Г., Ермусина Г
Авторы Омарова А.А., Хавдыл Ж., Шыных Н., Бекмағамбетова Н.С, Рахимжанова Б.Ш
Авторы Сагитова М., Камбалина С., Смагулова М
Авторы Сатыбаева Ж., Кончикова Н., Мацевич И., Жолдыбаева Д
Все итоговые работы групп по Химии
Авторы Игликова Ж., Хамитова А., Антонова А., Скляренко А
Авторы Молдажанова А., Кульмаганбетова А., Мокроусова А., Сейсембаева Б., Абсалямова А
Авторы Мухамеджанова З., Ергашова З., Массакбаева Д., Васина С., Есенкулова T
Авторы Сыздыкова A., Соян E., Смирнова Ю., Ахметбекова T., Саханова M., Шушпаева Г
Дополнительные материалы
Все итоговые работы групп по Информатике
Links to publications on the project:
InEU - the future belongs to technologies! Newspaper "Обозрение недели". December 4, 2020