Development, implementation, testing and validation of the bachelor program in the field of industrial automation and robotics with the introduction of dual training at three universities in Kazakhstan: Kostanay Engineering and Economics University named after M. Dulatov, Innovative University of Eurasia, Pavlodar and West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technological University named after Zhangir Khan.
Project tasks:
Facilitate the development and adjustment of curricula in accordance with the needs of industrial companies in the educational process using dual training technology.
Attract industry experts to identify specific training needs and develop content for practical exercises as part of dual training technology.
Transfer and implement the best practices from EU countries that have many years of experience in dual education programs at universities by creating the potential for periodic practical training by teachers and employees of the company.
Create tools and templates to facilitate the phased implementation of practical training in enterprises.
Demonstrate the benefits of dual education technology in higher education for all interested parties by testing and evaluating adapted curricula, necessary tools and training materials.
Demonstrate the benefits of dual education technology in higher education for all interested parties by testing and evaluating adapted curricula, necessary tools and training materials.
To ensure continuous use of the results, offering dual technology training to other educational institutions and enterprises.
Disseminate project results and stimulate the creation of dual higher education programs in Kazakhstan.
The composition of the project working group:
Project Manager - Candidate of Economics Kadyrova A.S.
Communication project manager - Candidate of Philological Sciences Aliyasova A.V.
Researcher (in the direction of dual learning technology) - Candidate of Economics Kashuk L.I.
Researcher (responsible for the quality of the study, communication with employers) - Candidate of Biological Sciences Komardina L.S.
Researcher, developer - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Saliy T. M.
The dual system is a special form of training skilled workers based on the close interaction of enterprises and educational organizations. The basis of training in the dual education system is the combination of theoretical training on the basis of professional educational organizations and the acquisition of practical skills at the enterprise.
Unfortunately, the training centers devote more time exclusively to theoretical training, while 10% of the curriculum is for practice. As a result, graduates of colleges, technical schools and universities, when they get into production area, look and feel helpless. The employer, in turn, has neither the time nor the resources to form their practical skills.
The way to solve this problem is dual education (DE). Let's see what dual learning is. What goals and objectives does it pursue?
This system involves training a specialist simultaneously in two areas - theoretical and practical. 1/3 of the training time, students receivebasic knowledge in college, and 2/3 - polishe skills and obtains practically significant knowledge in the production - training enterprise.
The main goal is to prepare a qualified and competent graduate who has the basic skills of work in production, to develop the Kazakhstan model of DE education in the system of technical and profile education.
Since the beginning of this year, Innovative University of Eurasia has become a member of an international educational project «Development, implementation, testing and validation of a bachelor's program in industrial automation and robotics with the introduction of dual education» in which Kostanay Engineering and Economics University named after M. Dulatov ( and Zhangir Khan West-Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University also participate.
The goal of this project is to fill the gap in this area and, through cooperation with companies and other interested parties, to develop a sustainable double-training program with international orientation in Kazakhstan (the program will be based on cooperation with institutions from countries in which the programs are implemented) and become a leader in this field. IAR in West Asia region.
The project will provide the basis for the modernization of the human and infrastructural potential necessary to achieve these goals through teacher training, software and books, collaboration between universities, and collaboration with non-academic partners and the transfer of knowledge and experienceWell-trained specialists in the wide field of application of IAR are of great importance for economic and social development. The participation of three large state universities of Kazakhstan and non-academic partners in this project will have a significant impact on the national level, and partners from the program countries will provide the experience and know-how necessary for the quick and successful achievement of the project goals. Sustainability of project results will ensure continued impact at national and regional levels.
The meeting of the participants of the project “Dual training of specialists in automation and robotics” (Erasmus + (DIARKAZ)) - Almagul Zhayakovna Asainova, Daria Bolatovna Abykenova, Tatyana Mikhailovna Saliy, Munira Saduakasovna Bokaeva with the head of the digital production group of the company was held at the Innovative University of Eurasia Danis Nabiullin. During the meeting, a new educational program was discussed in more detail, the competencies that graduates in automation and robotics should possess, what prospects, in turn, open up for students and what formats of interaction with the company are possible in the future, are adjusted.
Today, universities have a powerful theoretical base. Nevertheless, for a graduate who plans to develop his career, especially in automation and robotics, it is important to think about practical skills in his field. Partnership programs with educational institutions will allow students to gain relevant experience and understanding of real working conditions.
On April 23, 2020, at the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and Education in the 21st Century: Dynamics of Development in the Eurasian Space”, which took place online at the Innovative University of Eurasia, issues related to the implementation of the project “Dual Education for Industrial Automation and Robotics in Kazakhstan / DIARKAZ " were discussed. 32 participants took part in the work of the Digital Technologies in Science, Education and Society section, including university teachers, school teachers, undergraduates and students from Pavlodar, Nur-Sultan and Almaty.
The key speaker of the sectional session was the candidate of technical sciences, professor at Almaty University of Energy and Communications. D. Gaukeeva, Director of SiTraining LLP Aksholpan Kopesbayeva. She presented a report on the Unified Competence Center, and invited the university faculty to cooperate.
The moderator of the section, Dr. PhD Daria Abykenova talked about digitalization and digital technologies used in InEU, and dwelled in more detail on possible cooperation with Siemens and, as an option, a joint advanced training of the teaching staff in the field of automation and robotics in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department "Information Technologies" Tamara Saliy and Almagul Asainova presented the developed innovative educational program "Automation and Robotics", the set of which is planned for this year.
Despite the online format of the conference, it was possible to discuss the main issues in the field of dual education for industrial automation and robotics in Kazakhstan / DIARKAZ, to exchange experience and suggestions.
Head of Informatization Department Daria Bolatovna Abykenova
On May 13, 2020, at 11:00, an online meeting of researchers of the DIARKAZ project with employers was held at Innovative University of Eurasia. Employers of such enterprises of the region as JSC Transtelecom (head of the telephone station automation center Kolesnik Yu.A., project manager Alkeneva G.K.), IE Dymkoff (director Malysheva Elena Evgenievna) were invited to the meeting. The main goal of the online meeting is to familiarize employers with the innovative educational program "Automation and Robotics", mutual cooperation in the training of specialists, employment and, most importantly, the organization of dual training. It should be noted that this educational program "Automation and Robotics" is the first and the only one in Pavlodar region. The head of "Information Technology" department Assainova A.Zh. spoke about the goals and objectives of the DIARKAZ project, and described in detail the content of the program. We received positive feedback and recommendations from employers on the organization of dual training with enterprises in the region. Following the results of the online meeting, the prospects for further cooperation were outlined.
On the same day, from 15.00 to 17.00, a meeting of the working group with specialists of the LLP UPNK-PV, a domestic plant for the production of calcined petroleum coke, was held.
The possibilities of implementing dual training at the enterprise, the content of disciplines were discussed, recommendations on the organization of training and on the acquisition of educational equipment were proposed.
The meeting was attended by the chief engineer, chief technologist, chief mechanic, head of the instrumentation department.
On May 18, 2020, the researchers of the project took part in the international scientific-theoretical conference "Actual problems of international relations, socio-economic and humanities in the digital age", organized by Osh State University (Osh, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan). With a speech at the plenary meeting, Abykenova D.B spoke about the changes that have occurred in the field of higher education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, after the transition to distance learning. They demonstrated the experience of introducing distance learning at the Innovative University of Eurasia to Kyrgyz colleagues. The transition to distance learning completely influenced the organization of the educational process. Technical and organizational problems arose that had to be solved quickly and efficiently. Obviously, the reaction of students and the perception of a new form of training were mixed. In this regard, a survey was conducted among students and the teaching staff, the results of which were taken into account when organizing further training. In general, the transition to distance learning can be considered successful.
The question about the implementation of the project “DUAL EDUCATION FOR INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS IN KAZAKHSTAN / DIARKAZ” of the Erazmus + program was also highlighted. This project has been implemented since January 2020, the main result of the project is the development of a new educational program “Automation and Robotics”, which is taught using dual training technology, in close collaboration with industrial enterprises in Pavlodar. The project is carried out in cooperation with foreign universities of partner countries of Serbia, Germany, and Austria. More details about the project://
In connection with the introduction of complete distance learning for students, systemic training of teachers for the use of innovative educational technologies and didactic models has become increasingly necessary. Therefore, the university organized advanced training courses for faculty. Head of the department “Information Technologies” Asainova A.Zh. spoke about the content of the training, which is defined by the concept of adapting the educational system to the digital generation of Kazakhstan. This concept was created by the creative team within the framework of the project “Modernization of Higher Education in Central Asia through New Technologies (HiEdTec)” under the Erazmus + program. More information can be found at: //
The Center for Innovative Educational Technologies, equipped with interactive technology, was created at InEU. But, in connection with quarantine, training took place in an online format according to the principle of network organization. 10 instructors (trainers) were trained, who, in turn, trained 10 lecturers each. Thus, it turned out to cover a large number of teachers.
Conference attendees became interested in the experience of teacher training at InEU, actively asked questions and left positive comments.
On Friday, May 15, Professor H. Hochrinner, professor at the Austrian project partner university of the FH Joanneum, held a three-hour webinar on the methodology for developing a dual educational program and the dual learning process. Professor H. Hohrinner explained in detail the key points of the organization of dual learning from the experience of his university. To date, researchers at KEEU, INEU and WKATU have developed educational programs for industrial automatization and robotics, so the issues of the dual training process and the search for a scheme for cooperation with enterprises are relevant for Kazakhstani universities. The experience of Austrian colleagues as one of the leaders of dual education along with German universities is very useful for Kazakhstani partners, but not the whole methodology is applicable in the realities of Kazakhstan. Therefore, the project teams of three Kazakhstani universities have a lot of work to do in search of their own path to the development of dual education in the Republic.
On Monday, September 7, H. Hochrinner, professor at the Austrian project partner university of the FH Joanneum, held a two-hour webinar on the dual learning in Austria and their implementation of this study system and collaborative work with enterprises. Professor H. Hohrinner explained in detail the key points of the organization of dual learning from the experience of his university. The professor also talked about the difficulties at work and how they overcome them. They clearly spoke about the dual education system, how the training itself takes place, what standards are set by partner enterprises. The experience of Austrian colleagues is being adapted by Kazakh universities to meet our realities.
On September 28 and 29, 2020, DIARKAZ project participants listened to a webinar on the topic "Training on Dual Higher Education" organized by colleagues from FH Joanneum and DHBW within the LaTFURE project. The webinar consisted of 4 modules, namely: 1. Conceptual and Theoretical Framework of Dual Education; 2. Implementation of Dual Education; 3. Teaching and learning in Dual Education; 4. Quality Assurance and Assessment in Dual Education.
This international holiday is based on a simple idea: to tell about European values, mobility advantages and results of Erasmus + projects during three specific days.
We also want to talk about our achievements.
From the beginning of this year the Innovative Eurasian University became the participant of the international educational project "Development, introduction, assessment and validation of the bachelor's program in the field of automation of the industry and robotics with introduction of dual training" (DIARKAZ) where Kostanay engineering-economic university of a name of M. Dulatov and West-Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technological University named after Zhangir khan are also involved in the implementation.
We actively collaborated with our international partners on this project Prof. Mirko Savic, Prof. Milan Nikolic (University of Novi Sad, Serbia), Christian Spletter (Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Austria). We established contacts with future employers of JSC "Transtelecom", LLP "UPNK-PV", etc.
The pandemic did not prevent the work on the project. We switched to online partnership and continued to work. Our foreign colleagues have conducted interesting webinars on the organization of dual learning from the experience of their universities.
Much work still needs to be done by us and our partners.
As part of Erasmus + week, at the Faculty of Economics in Subotica, University of Novi Sad, on 5th October, 2020 was held a presentation of projects. The following projects were presented: Professional Development of Vocation Education Teachers with European Practices (ProVET), Implementation of Dual Education in Higher Education of Serbia (DualEdu), Strengthening capacities for the implementation of dual education in BH higher education (DualSCI), Agricultural policy of European Union and its influence on the competitiveness of agri-food products of Serbia (AgriCom), Advanced data analytics in business (ADA), Dual education for industrial automation and robotics in Kazakhstan (DIARKAZ).
On this occasion, the results of previous work and a plan for future project activities were presented to students, professors, assistants and representatives of the economy.
On Friday, October 23rd, a meeting of the Steering Committee №3 was held. The following points were discussed on the agenda: report and survey on companies regarding dual education; webinars organized by partner universities from Austria and Germany; purchase of equipment, also future project activities were discussed Due to the current epidemiological situation, all planned trips have been postponed for uncertain term.
From October 21, 2020 to October 23, 2020, the PUBLIC FOUNDATION "HEALTHY NATION" of Pavlodar (Republic of Kazakhstan) held an online adviser exhibition for graduates of the Pavlodar region. On this platform, meetings were held in real time with students of 11 grades at which the speakers were representatives of colleges and universities of Pavlodar with career guidance work. The Innovative Eurasian University was also among the participants. The graduates had a unique chance to get acquainted with the new specialty Automation and Robotics within the framework of the DIARKAZ project, the perspectives and opportunities of dual education in this educational program. In addition, InEU speakers spoke about the ERASMUS+ program itself. For three days the exhibition was visited by a large number of graduates from all areas of the Pavlodar region.
The XI International IT and Education Development Conference 2020 (ITRO 2020) was held at the Technical Faculty "Mihajlo Pupin" on October 30th, 2020. Given the current situation regarding the COVID-19 virus pandemic, the Conference was held online in compliance with all epidemiological measures. This was an opportunity for members of the project team, professors PhD Eleonora Desnica and PhD Milan Nikolic, to present and promote the project Dual Education for Industrial Automatization and Robotics in Kazakhstan (DIARKAZ) to the participants of the conference, through the online platform. They presented the project, project partners, main project goals and main project activities.
On November 10, 2020, the Cooperative state University of Baden-Württemberg (Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg / DHBW) held an online-seminar for partners of the DIARKAZ project and shared their experience in the development and implementation of dual educational programs. Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW ) is the first higher education institution in Germany which combines on-the-job training and academic studies and, therefore, achieves a close integration of theory and practice, both being components of cooperative education. With around 34,000 enrolled students, over 9,000 partner companies and more than 145,000 graduates, DHBW counts as one of the largest higher education institutions in the German Federal State of Baden-Wuerttemberg. The onine-seminar was also attended by the team of the DUALSCI project, which aims to integrate academic education and business in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Such cooperation with universities implementing similar projects and expert support of professionals in the field of dual education creates a valuable synergy effect.
On November 12, 2020, Professor Helge Hochrinner from FH Joanneum University hosted a webinar on the topic “Application and Admission Procedure”. He presented all the stages of the process of admission of applicants to the dual educational program in normal conditions and during the pandemic. FH Joanneum is the second largest university of applied sciences in Austria. It has about 4,600 students and about 651 employees. As an application-oriented university, they offer students a practice-oriented education on a full-time or part-time basis, and cooperative programs with an interdisciplinary focus. FHJ combines academic education with practical training. The long-term experience of our Austrian colleagues is very interesting to Kazakhstani partners and will be used in organizing the admission of applicants to the educational program "Industrial automation and robotics".
As project coordinator of a Capacity Building in Higher Education project that started in 2019 (DIARKAZ), prof. Mirko Savić was invited to a Regional Cluster Meeting on the impact of E+ Capacity Building Higher Education (CBHE) projects in Central Asia. Over 100 coordinators and project partner participants from Central Asia (cf. Agenda attached have joined the meeting. The cluster meeting was organized by the National Erasmus+ Office (NEO) Uzbekistan in collaboration with the Executive Agency (EACEA), the European Commission and the National Erasmus+ Offices of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. Representatives of DIARKAZ project were invited to attend the second day of the Cluster meeting (morning of 20/11/2020). Following a presentation on the EU funded regional cooperation in education; the participants discussed the challenges in project management during the COVID-19 pandemic confinement period in a plenary session. It was a good opportunity to get an overview and take stock of the different coping strategies and management practices under the new circumstances.
The head of the "DIARKAZ" project in InEU, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Kadyrova Akmaral Satbekovna met with the correspondents of the "Ertis" TV channel, the Saryarka Samaly newspaper and took part in the live broadcast of "HALYQ RADIOSY".
In the beginning of 2020, the Innovative Eurasian University has become a participant of the international educational project "Dual Education for Industrial Automation and Robotics in Kazakhstan / DIARKAZ", in which Kostanay (KEU named after M. Dulatov) and the West Kazakhstan region (WKATU named after Zhangir Khan) as well as three European university from Serbia, Germany and Austria. The main purpose - to prepare qualified and competent graduates who formed the basic skills in the workplace.
At meetings with journalists, issues of high-quality organization of dual education were considered: the students selection process for practice at the enterprises of the Pavlodar region, in which working professions the training of interns for dual training is carried out and what selection criteria are approved by the enterprise and the educational organization.
Akmaral Satbekovna spoke in detail about the priority of dual training, named the enterprises at which students can undergo practical training, also she shared the difficulties that arise during the project. Cooperation between international universities provides the basis for modernizing the human and infrastructural capacity necessary to achieve economic and social development goals. Thus, in the near future, the region will be filled with a new generation of qualified specialists who meet the demands of our time.
Press service of InEU (according to the site
On Wednesday, January 13, Professor Hohrinner from FHJ met with the developers of the dual educational program of Kazakhstani universities. During the meeting, the compulsory standards of education of Kazakhstan and issues related to the curricula of KEnEU, InEU and WKATU were discussed in detail. In turn, colleagues from FHJ, DHBW and UNS held a meeting on January 18, where questions on the curricula of Kazakhstani colleagues were also clarified and a plan for further work on work package № 1 was drawn up.
On March 5, 2021 an online meeting of the members of the Steering Committee of the project was held, the main issues of which were: the results of a survey of industrial companies in Kazakhstan, the development of a dual training program in the IAR, the purchase of equipment, etc.
The Kazakh partners received 25 results of the survey of employers, which was aimed at identifying the needs of companies in personnel, the necessary skills and competencies of graduates of couples and the willingness of enterprises to cooperate with universities in the implementation of dual education. At the moment, the analysis of the conducted research is being carried out.
Professor H. Hohrinner carried out an examination of educational programs for dual education in the IAR of Kazakhstani universities, but the schedule of the educational process is still being discussed in detail with partner enterprises.
In the near future, it is planned to hold meetings between FHJ, DHBW, UNS and each academic partner and partner enterprise separately to discuss the role of companies.
Last week, several events to disseminate information about the DIARKAZ project and the new dual educational program of the university "Industrial Automation and Robotics" were held by colleagues from KEnEU.
During the week, the project manager of the KEnEU Oleg Viktorovich Moiseenko, together with the Career Center and the Marketing and Communications Department, visited secondary schools №8 and №29 and presented the educational program to school graduates.
On March 12, 2021, a meeting with the Board of Trustees was held at KEnEU, the members of which are «Ural LTD» LLP, «Ascom & K» LLP, «Baltik Control KZ» LLP, «AgromashHolding» JSC, «SaryarkaAvtoProm» LLP, «Transtelecom branch Kostanaytranstelecom» JSC, «NC «Kazakhstan Temir Zholy» of the Kostanay branch of the backbone network» JSC, «EvrazKaspianStal» LLP, «Agricultural Experimental Station Zarechnoye» LLP, «Astyk» Elevator Equipment Factory» LLP, «Azimut» LLP, GSE «Kostanay Heat Power Company», «Kostanay Melkombinat» JSC, State Institution «Department of entrepreneurship and industrial and innovative development of akimat of Kostanay region», State institution «Department of culture of akimat of Kostanay region», State institution «Department of entrepreneurship and agriculture», State institution «Department of economy and budget planning of akimat of Kostanay region». The project coordinator Zhanat Galimzhanovna Dzhabasova presented to the trustees a dual educational program and the possibilities of cooperation with companies within the framework of its implementation. The meeting participants noted the relevance of the DIARKAZ project and expressed their deep interest in cooperation in the field of dual education.
Also on March 13, Zhanat Galimzhanovna presented the IAR to the graduates of the Gymnasium named after M. Gorky in an online format.
On April 14, 2021, an online meeting of the Project Local Committee members was held, at which issues of the project implementation, held and future events were discussed.
The main result of the meeting was the decision to modify an educational program to a joint using a modular training system. Kazakhstani universities will make changes to their curricula in order to ensure the possibility of further organization of academic mobility for students and teachers.
The committee also considered issues related to the equipment procurement process, participation in the GeKaVoc / KAZDUAL conference on April 21-22, 2021, the upcoming monitoring of the NEO and a seminar on teaching methods.
From April 13 to 16, 2021, the Innovative Eurasian University organized live broadcasts on the official Instagram page @ineuofpage for graduates of schools and colleges of the Pavlodar region and other cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
On April 14, an innovative educational program "Automation and Robotics" was presented. M. S. Bokayeva, Master of Natural Sciences, members of the DIARKAZ project was the speaker on this broadcast. In real time, Munira Bokayeva spoke in detail about the features and priorities of dual training, about the prospects of this profession and answered questions from the listeners of the Instagram-live.
The Higher Polytechnic College of Karaganda and contributors from the GeKaVoc consortium as well as from the Erasmus+ KAZDUAL project organised a comprehensive conference on ‘Competence-Centers for Development of Dual Professional and Academic Education’ with regard to VET and Higher Education. The National Chamber of Commerce ATAMEKEN was involved too.
We were invited to participate marking the kick-off of our networking and co-operation with the partners from KAZDUAL, initiated by the DHBW (Cooperative State University of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Heilbronn) and Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, both from Germany.
Mirko Savic (University Novi Sad, Serbia) took the chance to present our Erasmus+ DIARKAZ project and Ursula Göz (DHBW Heilbronn, Germany) added a greeting address emphasising the synergetic effects of exchange and collaboration.
On the first day, the presentations and discussions were interpreted, enabling Western Europeans to get many impressions about the current state of reforms in secondary and tertiary education in Kazakhstan. The second day was dedicated to show the state of the art of ‘Competence-focused Education’ in cooperation with the corporate sector. All together, it seems to be important to foster the strengths of the Kazakh education system in it’s transition towards the European education framework. It became apparent that Life Long learning is a worldwide challenge which can be met by establishing Dual Education concepts.
The participating DIARKAZ partners could take away information on various practise examples related to our goals in the field of Dual Study courses. Certainly, this will promote the progress of both Erasmus+ projects.
We are very much looking forward to staying connected with KAZDUAL partners for the sake of establishing Dual Education in VET and Higher Education in Kazakhstan.
At the last meeting of the DIARKAZ Local Committee, Kazakhstani universities made a decision to modify the drafts of educational programs of each university into a joint educational program "Robotic Systems". Kazakhstani universities completed its preparation and began an active admission campaign, including KEnEU.
The KEnEU team has developed promotional materials such as brochures, roll-ups, a catalog of educational disciplines, and during the current academic year held vocational guidance meetings with graduates of schools and colleges of the Kostanay region.
Also on June 7, KEnEU project manager Oleg Moiseenko and KEnEU project coordinator Zhanat Jabassova spoke about the unique project, the relevance of the new educational program and the skills that a graduate of the EP "Robotic Systems" will acquire in the prime time of the Qostanay TV channel.
On June 18, 2021, the DIARKAZ project consortium held a seminar on teaching methods and dual education, organized by the Innovative University of Eurasia. With the help of the ZOOM platform, not only project partners, but also representatives of universities in Semey, Uralsk, Karaganda and Almaty, invited guests from Estonia and Russia, as well as employers were able to participate in the seminar.
The speakers were foreign experts - Professor Hagen H. Hochrinner FH JOANNEUM (Austria), Ursula K. Göz DHBW Heilbronn (Germany), Professor Natasha Papic-Blagojevich (School of Business of the University of Novi Sad, Serbia), Dr. Olga Shmurygina (Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University), as well as kazakhstani speakers Talgat Ikombaev (InEU) and Professor Oleg Moiseenko (KEnEU named after M. Dulatov, Kostanay).
The project manager from InEU, senior lecturer of the Industrial Engineering and Design Department Talgat Ikombaev and the project participant, senior lecturer Narken Algazinov acted as moderators of the meeting.
The seminar discussed topics on the implementation of the new educational program "Robotic Systems" in the educational process, the proposed competencies and adapted methods of dual training, technologies for training specialists in the conditions of dual training.
18th June 2021, University of Novi Sad, Technical faculty „Mihajlo Pupin“ Zrenjanin, Serbia
The XI International Symposium Engineering management and competitiveness – EMC 2021 was held at the Technical Faculty "Mihajlo Pupin" on June 18th, 2021. Given the current situation regarding the COVID-19 virus pandemic, the Conference was held online in compliance with all epidemiological measures.
This was an opportunity for members of the project team, professors PhD Eleonora Desnica and PhD Milan Nikolic, to present and promote the project Dual Education for Industrial Automatization and Robotics in Kazakhstan (DIARKAZ) to the participants of the conference, through the online platform.
They presented the project, project partners, main project goals and main project activities.
The Consortium for International University Marketing of German Universities GATE-Germany, supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), has published an article about our project in "Country Profile Kazakhstan".
It is gratifying that information about the project and the results of its activities are increasingly being disseminated in the global academic community.