Scientific Advances

Scientists of the Innovative University of Eurasia has participated in the next scientific and innovative programs:
- « The Newton – Al-Farabi Partnership Programme » (the Republic of Kazakhstan, the United Kingdom);
- in the programs of the European Union "Tempus": « Development of training programs for renewable energy projects in universities in Central Asia», « Environmental protection through the development and application of sustainable agricultural technologies », « Computer science as a second competence »;
- USAID «Development of a Kazakhstan climate change mitigation program»,
- in the «Productivity - 2020» program;
- in the program of industrial-innovative development of Pavlodar region.
- in the budget program: 055 «Scientific and / or scientific and technical activities».
The Innovative University of Eurasia:
- has accredited by the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a subject of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities (certificate of the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 17, 2017)
Over the past five years, employees of the Innovation University of Eurasia have published:
- 39 monographs, including 12 abroad;
- 14 text books, including 1 abroad;
- 93 study guides, including 13 abroad;
- 1575 scientific articles and reports , including 590 abroad;
- 5 collections of scientific papers and analytical reviews;
Download the list of monographs, textbooks, manuals for 2016-2020 y.
Scientists of InEU received 104 certificates of state registration of rights to the object of copyright, including works of science and computer programs, etc..
On the name of InEU were issued:
InEU scientists took part in more than 90 various scientific competitions announced with an aim to finance and support R & D, as well as competitions for grants, scientific awards and scholarships including:
- the competitions of "Science Fund" JSC to allocate a grant for the implementation of projects for the commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities;
- the competitions of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for grant financing of research;
- the competitions of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for program-targeted funding for scientific, scientific and technical programs;
- the competitions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan « The best teacher of the university»;
- the competitions for nominal awards and scientific scholarships;
- the competition of scientific projects " Newton – Al-Farabi " (organized by the British Council);
- the competition of the International Science and Technology Center.
The results obtained in the course of the research carried out at InEU are used in writing textbooks, teaching aids, in the educational process and are transmitted for use in gymnasiums, schools, lyceums, public organizations and enterprises. Over the past five years, more than 50 research subjects were introduced in the educational process in InEU and other educational institutions, and more than 14 research projects at enterprises and state institutions and public organizations of the Pavlodar region.
62 authors, scientists of InEU, have published about 100 articles in rating journals that are part of the international citation databases Scopus, Thomson Reuters:
Abenova G.A., Ajibaeva J.K., Aliyasova A.V., Amirova M.A., Arinova Z.A., Asilhanova G.J., Beisembaev A.R., Bekniyazova D.S., Bespalii S.V., Boreckii A.V., Davidenko L.M., Dyusenalin B.K., Jaltirova O.I., Januzakova S.K., Jetpisov S.K., Zaiceva N.M., Ivanov M.N., Ivanova E.V., Imambaeva G.E., Ifutina E.A., Kazanceva A.I., Kairbekova B.D., Kaidarova L.K., Kaidarova S.E., Kamzina N.E., Kashuk L.I., Kravcova T.M., Kidralinova A.K., Mazina Yu.I., Melnikov M.Yu., Musalimova B.T., Narinbaeva A.S., Nikitin E.B., Nosenko Yu.G., Omarov M.M., Omarova A.B., Ospanova A.K., Raklova E.M., Salii T.M., Sanasirov N.T., Sviderskii A.K., Semenova L.A., Sergeeva V.V., Simonov S.G., Smagulova Z.K., Soltangazinov A.R., Temerbaeva M.V., Titova E.G., Umurzakova A.D., Uryumceva T.I., Fomina T.N., Frezorger L.A., Hamzin A.Sh., Hamzina J.A., Hamzina Sh.Sh., Hamitova G.A., Shakenova T.J., Shelomenceva V.P., Shunkeeva S.A., Enns E.