The Academy of Women’s Entrepreneurship has opened within the walls of InEU. The project is funded by the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan.
The opening ceremony was attended by Martin Kaszubowski, Director of the Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Old Dominion University, Sharon Scannell, Program manager of the “Strom Entrepreneurship Center” at the same university, and Saken Shayakhmetov, Deputy Akim of the region.
- Innovative University of Eurasia is an excellent partner, who is implementing a project aimed at the development of women’s entrepreneurship. Also, a group of wonderful female participants joined us at the opening ceremony today. I am also glad that we have previous experience of working with InEU, in the framework of a project aimed at teaching English language and STEM disciplines to school teachers. We also have a number of other ongoing joint projects. Therefore, it is really great to have such a partner in Pavlodar, - says Amber Aura, Attache for Culture and Education at the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan.
30 women aged 18 to 40 from all over the region will study at the academy. They will be taught entrepreneurship skills, business English, 1C accounting, and social media marketing.
In addition, training is planned according to the program of the online educational course “DreamBuilder” with support from InEU curators, explanatory meetings on grant financing and lending to entrepreneurs with representatives of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Pavlodar region “Atameken” and the Damu Foundation, curatorial meetings with representatives of Old Dominion University (USA).

The result should be business projects from each participant, with whom it will be possible to participate in a Pitching competition, as well as apply for financing and lending to local organizations.

On November 18, an online meeting was held between the participants of the «AWE» Academy of Women's Business, opened by InEU, with the manager of the DAMU Entrepreneurship Development Fund, Madina Badenova.
She spoke about the existing programs of state support for entrepreneurs in the Pavlodar region.
Academy of Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) is a joint project of InEU and the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan. It will last in the years 2021-2022. The goal is to help the women of Pavlodar, Ekibastuz and Aksu realize their economic potential and thereby strengthen the economy of the region.
On November 19, an online meeting of participants of the Academy of Women Entrepreneurs "AWE", operating in InEU, with the business coach of NCE "Atameken" Akmaral Saitkulova took place. She introduced the students to the programs of state support for entrepreneurs in the Pavlodar region.
Academy of Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) is a joint project of InEU and the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan. It is scheduled for 2021-2022. The goal is to help the women of Pavlodar, Ekibastuz and Aksu realize their economic potential and thereby strengthen the economy of the region.
On December 25, a presentation of the “DreamBuilder” course was held for the participants of the “AWE” Academy of Women's Entrepreneurship, opened by the Innovative University of Eurasia. The presentation was made by business coaches of the “AWE” project Zulfiya Arynova and Zubirash Smagulova. They will accompany the participants throughout the course. The “DreamBuilder” courses will last until March 2022 in a mixed format (online and offline). "DreamBuilder" is a special course provided by the U.S. Embassy that will teach participants the skills and knowledge to start or develop their own business. After passing the “DreamBuilder”, grant holders will get even closer to the goal of becoming successful businesswomen and thereby strengthen the country's economy. Academy of Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) is a joint project of InEU and the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan @usinkz. It is designed for 2021-2022. The goal is to help the women of Pavlodar, Ekibastuz and Aksu realize their economic potential.