Student's Research Work

The research work of the student (SRW) is an activity of a student, both as a training program, as well as a special programs aimed at:
- creating the motivation for research work;
- promoting student mastery of the scientific method, in-depth and creative
- development of educational material;
- training the nurture creativity to their future profession through research;
- learning student methodologies and self- solving scientific and technical
- problems and scientific-theoretical problems.
Kinds of SRW:
- teaching and research work, including in the educational process, and SRW;
- researching work done outside the classroom.
The main form of SRW included in the educational process is conducting research in the performance of projects and dissertations.
The main form of SRW performed outside normal working hours are student scientific groups active in the departments of InEU.
Heads of scientific circles and creative teams are experienced teachers of the university.
The Student scientific circle is a creative team, combined with work of one or more academic problems, similar to the direction of research.
Regulations on the competition for the best scientific work among students of InEU
More information about the student's academic circles and creative groups is available in the Pavlodar scientific and organizational work –office on Lomov street, 45, of. 106. Tel.: 8 (7182) 31-64-83