High-Priority Scientific Fields
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High-Priority Scientific Fields

Priority research areas

  1. Development of digital technologies in the framework of the state program "Digital Kazakhstan".
  2. To investigate and improve the energy and resource saving technologies in various industries (chemical technologies, mechanical engineering, energy engineering).
  3. To improve techniques and technology of food production and food storage.
  4. To improve the techniques and technology for production, processing and storage of agricultural products in agricultural enterprises.
  5. To study the problems of the economy and business management of Pavlodar region.
  6. To develop and improve methods and means of diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases in animals.
  7. To study the effects of anthropogenic pollution on the functioning peculiarities of living organisms.
  8. To improve the ecological environment in Pavlodar region.
  9. Management of Higher Education.
  10. Study of the state of the national law of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of the international law system.
  11. Human Resource Management.
  12. Social-psychological work with different categories of the population.