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8 май 2020

Dear graduate students, graduates of past years!

We invite you to join the Association of Alumni of the Consortium of Innovative Eurasian University!

30 апрель 2020

Dear teachers, staff and students of the Innovative University of Eurasia!

Congratulations on a public holiday on May 1 - National Unity Day!

29 апрель 2020

On the results of the Republican Subject Olympiad in the specialty "Metallurgy"!

On April 29, the Karaganda State Industrial University held the Republican Subject Olympiad in the

27 апрель 2020

InEU teacher became a student of the project "BEST YOUNG SCIENTIST - 2020"

In a quarantine situation, employees of the Innovative Eurasian University switched to remote work,

27 апрель 2020

Modern HR technology in a changing world

Within the framework of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and

26 апрель 2020

Teachers of the department "Business and Management" master new innovative technologies

It’s not a secret for anyone that in order to keep students ’attention and arouse interest in the

24 апрель 2020

Discussed the development of youth entrepreneurship

Today, at the Innovative University of Eurasia, as part of an international conference, the work of

24 апрель 2020

Open international student Internet Olympiad was held online

Today, the 2nd round of the Open International Student Internet Olympiad in the field of
