Academy of Women Entrepreneurs (AWE)
On November 18, an online meeting was held between the participants of the «AWE» Academy of Women's
Akim of the region visited InEU
Scientists and students of the university presented innovative developments to Abylkair Skakov. In
The course “Busines urpaq” was solemnly opened in InEU.
As a reminder, earlier a selection was held among school and college students for online training
InEU students at the Environmental Entrepreneurship Competition in Nur-Sultan!
From November 4 to 7, the “ITeachMe” Foundation, with the support of Chevron, is holding the
InEU graduate was appointed Akim of Zhelezinsky district.
Congratulations to Aitugan Abylaevich on a new stage in his career and wish him success in his work.
InEU students’ career guidance was conducted by employees of JSC “Aluminium of Kazakhstan”.
The program of the meeting included a drawing of certificates for paid practice, quizzes, and a
Anastassiya Aliyassova, Rector of InEU, shared her experience in implementing Kazakh-American
Anastassiya Aliyassova was a speaker at the training “Internationalization of higher education”:
Master class. “Learn to ask the right questions and enjoy the learning process”
You will learn techniques for resolving situations in which you do not know what to answer or advise