» » The Republican intellectual game "IQ DODA" was held in Taldykorgan
10 декабря 2021

The Republican intellectual game "IQ DODA" was held in Taldykorgan

From December 7 to December 9, the Republican intellectual game "IQ DODA" was held in Taldykorgan, organized within the framework of the program "Rukhani Zhangyru" in honor of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to unite representatives of all segments of the population, develop non-standard thinking, intuition, intellectual abilities in accordance with modern trends.

The intellectual game was held in Kazakh and Russian. The questions in the game "IQ DODA" concerned a wide variety of areas: worldview, logic, wit, etc. The game consisted of 7 rounds: general questions, truth/untruth (general questions on world historical events), musical questions called "Shazam", "Spiritual Rebirth", a competition for team captains, a quiz on the history of Kazakhstan, 6 difficult questions with 2 points.

Teams from 12 regions of the country took part in the Republican intellectual competition. The contest was led by the famous TV presenter Serik Akishev. The honor of the Pavlodar region was defended by the Ertis team. Team captain: Adilov Anvar Vadimovich, history teacher of school No. 14 Pavlodar, team members: Acting Head of the Information and Social Development Department for work with non-governmental organizations Sakenov Temirlan Zhasulanovich, Head of the Department for Educational Work and Social Issues of the Innovative University of Eurasia Kaidarova Anar Toleutaevna, history teacher of the Akzhar secondary School of the May district Serikbayeva Balzhan Muratovna.

The team of Pavlodar region took 2nd place in the qualifying round, 1st place in the semifinals and 2nd place in the final. The team members were awarded letters of thanks and a cash certificate in the amount of 600,000 tenge. We wish creative success and professional development to the team members who defended the honor of the Pavlodar region at the republican level.

InEU Press Service