Olympiad in Informatics and Programming at InEU
LI International Scientific and Practical Conference of InEU “Integration of Education and Science – a Step into the Future”
On April 10-11, 2025, the Innovative Eurasian University will host the 51st International Scientific and Practical Conference titled “Integration of Education and Science – a Step into the Future.” The
Welcome to INEU
Инновационный Евразийский Университет (ИнЕУ) 15 июля 2023г. объявляет конкурс на замещение вакантных должностей:
профессоров, доцентов, старших преподавателей по следующим образовательным программам:
📢We invite students of schools and colleges of the city to an open meeting of the InEU debate club “Orda”!
You will have a master class on debates from a professional debater, the head of the club Vladimir Golubin and participation in a small debate tournament with analysis from a competent jury.
Dear students, teachers and staff!
Our University is a member of the Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library (RIEL).
Innovative University of Eurasia (InEU) announces a competition for filling vacant positions on February 28, 2022:
professors, docents, senior lecturers according to the following educational programs: