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29 ноябрь 2019

Our student entered the top 100 best college students of Kazakhstan!

Assel Nurkenova, a student of the Higher College of Innovative University of Eurasia, took part in

28 ноябрь 2019

Information meeting dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

An information meeting dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

26 ноябрь 2019

Don’t give a bribe!

Our values ​​are integrity and academic honesty in education.

26 ноябрь 2019

About training in civil and labor law

A training in civil and labor law was held at InEU with speaker Shalygina Elena.

25 ноябрь 2019

Program for the best!

Today, November 25, in the scientific library of InEU, a meeting was held with the specialist of

25 ноябрь 2019

Our projects with schools and colleges - the results of the competition "INSPACE INEU"

Within three months, a team of teachers from the InEU Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

22 ноябрь 2019

Students at the screening of the spectacle by W. Shakespeare "King Lear"

In the drama theater named after J. Aymauytov, the spectacle of King Shakespeare "King Lear" was

22 ноябрь 2019

Teachers of the department "Business and Management" congratulated on International Student's Day!

Noisily and cheerfully celebrated International Student Day at the Department of Business and
