President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev delivered a Message to the people of Kazakhstan on the theme: "Fair Kazakhstan: law and order, economic growth, public optimism."
On September 2, 2024, at a joint meeting of the Chambers of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev delivered a Message to the people of Kazakhstan on the theme: "Fair Kazakhstan: law and order, economic growth, public optimism."
In his Message, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev presented a detailed analysis of the current situation in the country and outlined the main areas of work for the medium term, paying attention to the most pressing issues of public life. The President has clearly formulated further steps for the society and the government aimed at moving forward.
It should be noted that this is the second Message of K.K. Tokayev, in which the new economic policy occupies a central place. According to the President, after the political modernization carried out last year, the next step should be structural economic reforms.
The country is preparing for a profound restructuring of relations in the "citizen-business-state" paradigm. K.K.Tokayev stressed that Kazakhstan has a chance for a powerful economic breakthrough, and therefore it is necessary to move to an economic model aimed at real improvement of citizens' lives, and not at abstract achievements. He defined three main principles of the country's new economic course: economic growth, reduction of social inequality and strengthening of the middle class. The new paradigm of Kazakhstan's economic development will be based on the effective use of the country's competitive advantages, unlocking the potential of all key factors of production - labor, capital, resources and technologies. The President stressed the need to abandon the practice of setting long-term ephemeral goals.
First, it is necessary to eliminate the imbalance between monetary and fiscal policy. The President outlined the need to live within his means, eliminating excessive spending on secondary and non-strategic tasks. He also drew attention to the non-fulfillment of the revenue side of the budget.
The President instructed the government, together with the National Bank, to take measures to effectively use budget funds, limit and strictly control expenditures. He also noted the need to reform the Tax Code so that it is clear and simple, including the introduction of a progressive scale of individual income tax, despite repeated statements by developers about the unacceptability of this provision.
The second direction of the Message is related to improving the investment climate and business conditions. In particular, we are talking about deep processing of metals, oil, gas and coal chemistry, the development of tourism, energy and mechanical engineering, the elimination of bureaucratic barriers to entrepreneurship, and an increase in the share of participation of average capital in the economy by half in five years. The President stressed that the task of the government and all government agencies is to create conditions for the development of domestic business and attract foreign investors.
The third direction concerns the disclosure of the country's industrial potential, which includes the development of the gas industry and its role in the heat and power industry and the everyday life of Kazakhstanis.
The fourth direction is related to solving infrastructure problems. The President proposed the introduction of clear tariff planning, eliminating unjustified growth for the population, and announced a referendum on the construction of a nuclear power plant.
The fifth direction is to increase the country's human resources potential. The President noted that the shortage of qualified specialists is a significant problem and requires urgent measures. He also declared 2025 the "Year of Working Professions", which involves reforming the system of technical and vocational education.
The sixth direction is devoted to strengthening the health of the nation and improving the social support system. It is proposed to improve the system of compulsory social health insurance and increase social spending with an emphasis on the needs of really needy categories of the population.
The seventh direction is related to the improvement of the environmental situation and the formation of a culture of respect for the environment. Special attention is paid to the restoration of forests and the holding of the national environmental campaign "Taza Kazakhstan".
The eighth direction involves improving the efficiency of public administration through the introduction of a barrier-free system of government agencies working with the population, direct election of akims and meritocracy in personnel practice.
The ninth direction is the consolidation of the ideology of law and order in society. The President noted that the demand for justice and security is the basis of the effectiveness of the state.
The President urged not to look back in search of those responsible, but to focus on the progress and development of the country. He stressed that when solving current and strategic tasks, it is necessary to avoid pessimism and apathy.
In conclusion, K.K. Tokayev said that a lot of work remains to be done, resources are limited, and no one promises instant results, but at the same time the state will systematically and purposefully solve the tasks set.
Murat Alibaevich Suleimenov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor