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10 февраля 2021

Students and teachers of the InEU consortium!

We invite you to participate in the annual talent competition "ZHAS TALAP 2021".

10 февраля 2021

Dear students!

Check out the schedule of InEU clubs. Meetings are held at the address: Lomov, 45, office. 102.

08 февраля 2021

Russian historian about the leader of the Alash Orda

Secrets of Kazakhstan history live on @ineuofpage !

28 января 2021

Dear students and teachers!

From February 1 to February 28, 2021, a test access to the KazNUread electronic library system is open to the Innovative Eurasian University.

22 января 2021

We invite teachers of InEU to advanced training courses on the use of innovative educational technologies in the educational process!

Classes will be conducted by 5 certified trainers of the HiEdTec project, a total of 50 university teachers will take part.

13 января 2021

Dear students!

According to the results of the winter examination session of the 2020-2021 academic year, a competition for the award of vacant educational grants was announced at the Innovative Eurasian University

24 декабря 2020

InEU students! A New Year's game - Secret Santa Claus starts at all departments!

What New Year's surprise awaits you? You will find out by becoming a secret Ayaz-Ata!
