Imbued with the ideas of “Rukhani zhagyru” » Innovative University of Eurasia
» » Imbued with the ideas of “Rukhani zhagyru”
24 апреля 2020

Imbued with the ideas of “Rukhani zhagyru”

Innovative University of Eurasia conducts the online quiz “Ertist Pavlodar Uri - Pavlodar Irtysh” aimed at promoting the values of the national program “Rukhani zhangyru”.

It is probably difficult to find a person in Kazakhstan who would not know or have not heard about the “Rukhani Zhangyru” Program. It is common for a person to show his attitude to the subject of his awareness in a certain way. Regarding the Rukhani Zhangyru Program, one can safely assert the ambiguity of emotional reactions, the contradictory attitude to this idea, and sometimes even polar opposite opinions: if some consider this an outright profanity, then others take it in the most serious way take part in the practical implementation of subprograms and projects. In general, the palette of emotions and relationships is very rich. In our opinion, this is due to the system of personal values ​​of each person, his inner world, the strength of his faith and hope, positive or negative attitude, etc.

Therefore, in real everyday life, we often observe the frank attempts of many leaders to give out their permanent work (festivals, sports, and much more) for the work of implementing Rukhani Zhangyru. We especially draw attention to the fact that in addition to “ear-pulling,” these are also one-time events designed for a fairly narrow range of interests. Of course, it cannot be argued that this is a total practice: there are also deep, thoughtful projects.

The Rukhani Zhangyru program is already in its third year. The term is considerable, so there is reason to look at the Program from the height of today, stop a little, look back and think over further actions. At the same time, it is important to decide for yourself in which direction to move further — along the path of a modern civilized society while preserving the national culture, or along the path of developing national self-consciousness, rejecting everything new in favor of the original. We believe that the first option is more appropriate. And you should start your journey with a conceptual, holistic understanding of program ideas. If approached from these positions, the essence of the Program can be stated in three dimensions: continuity, consistency, complexity.

The first - continuity - means that the Program is a logical and qualitatively new continuation of the patriotic act "Mugilik El", i.e. the idea of ​​“Rukhani zhangyru” is not the result of blind chance or violent imagination, but a product of common sense. Moreover, this advanced idea of ​​modernizing the public consciousness of Kazakhstanis is subsequently supported by a program for the preservation and development of the cultural code. We are talking about the program "Seven faces of the Great Steppe." We are inclined to see in this not political reverence towards the avant-garde or conservative part of the Kazakhstani community, but an attempt to answer the global challenges of our time, which can be summarized in the following: today the world needs not so much knowledgeable people who are capable of creative and positive thinking, acting in the name of creation, self-development and self-learning.

The second dimension - consistency - demonstrates the presence of two parts in the Rukhani Zhaңғyru Program: theoretical and practical. The first of them proclaims six principles of modernization of public consciousness: Competitiveness. Pragmatism. Preservation of national identity. Cult of knowledge. Evolutionary, not revolutionary development of Kazakhstan. Openness of consciousness. These principles are relevant for the spiritual revival of Kazakhstan right now, in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. At other times, other principles are needed. For comparison: Sultan Beybars in the XIII century turned Egypt into a powerful power, guided by the principles of a warrior.

The practical part of the Program, consisting of six social projects (Phased transition of the Kazakh language to Latin scripts, “New humanitarian knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language”, “Tuғanger”, “Sacred geography of Kazakhstan”, “Modern Kazakhstan culture in the global world”, “100 new faces of Kazakhstan”), is a logical continuation of the conceptual block.

And finally, the third dimension is complexity. The program is a logical set of 4 subprograms, 6 special and more than 10 basic projects.

Understanding precisely in this way the essence of the “Rukhani Zhangyru” program, the goal of promoting its value orientations at the Innovative Eurasian University, we see in creating the necessary conditions for involving the vast majority of students and employees of our university in the processes of modernization of public consciousness.

But at the same time, we believe that we should, firstly, give preference to long-term projects, but this does not mean a complete rejection of traditional events of a one-time nature that revitalize student leisure; secondly, to expand the university environment through access to the external, which means that we will involve the widest circle of our external stakeholders in the implementation of major university events; thirdly, to maximize the use of all the potentialities of a rigorous educational process and the research potential of students and teachers. All this became the starting point for the development and adoption of the “Rukhani zhangyru” value concept in Innovative Eurasian University.

In accordance with this Concept, several projects were implemented at the university. As another project, we offer the online quiz “Ertist Pavlodar Uri - Pavlodar Irtysh”, which:

is available to all residents and guests of the Pavlodar region, from 13 years old to the post-retirement age, regardless of their location / residence, occupation, etc .;

allows participants to answer questions and complete tasks at any time convenient for them;

provides an opportunity for all participants to improve their results in the first stage (a second attempt is given to answer questions of the first round);

ensures objectivity and transparency of the results of the Quiz, as the jury will include experts on the history of Kazakhstan, geography, philology and pedagogy, they will evaluate the responses of participants according to developed and publicly announced criteria.

In all this, it is important that the content and organization of the Quiz fully comply with the essence of the “Rukhani Zhangyru” program, as they correspond to the ideas of knowing your small Motherland, aimed at preserving your own culture and at the same time modernizing the cultural code as part of the historical process.

We invite everyone who wants to know the history and geography of their homeland to take part in the Quiz, seeks to help solve its environmental problems, reflect on their personal role in improving the life of their land. We believe that the format of the Quiz is most consistent with the conditions in which the entire Kazakhstani community is now. Moreover, the tasks of the second and third rounds of the Quiz are aimed at ensuring that its participants can discuss them together with members of their family. Right now in quarantine there is a real opportunity to rethink and strengthen the values ​​of the relationship between children and parents, brothers and sisters, grandchildren and older parents. This is one of the features of our Quiz, which indicates its organic connection with the ideas of “Rukhani zhangyru”.

Syrymbetova Lyaila Sarkytovna,
First Vice-Rector, Innovative University of Eurasia