Anti-terrorist training with employees of the InUE!!
Today, the head of the InEU security and labor protection service, Bolyar Abdulla Oglu, together with the Republican center for training and professional development, held an anti-terrorist session with the InEU security service employees.
The following issues were considered:
• recommendations on the procedure of actions of the population in determining the levels of threats to the terrorist threat,
• what should be done when taking hostages,
• how to behave if you are taken hostage,
• how to act when detonating an explosive device,
• what to do if you received a message about the threat of mining the object,
• what to do if suspicious items are found.
We thank the Republican center for training and professional development and the head of the labor safety and security service, Rahimov Bolyar Abdulla Oglu, for the informative lecture!
The press service of innovative University of Eurasia
according to the Head of the safety and labor protection service InEU
Rahimov Bolyar Abdulla Ogly