World best sellers in Kazakh - to InEU students!
InEU Scientific Library received books - translations into Kazakh of the works of world-famous authors - historians, educators, economists and entrepreneurs. This is the second batch of books on the program "Ruhani zhangyru".
A year ago, the Public Fund "National Bureau of Translation" presented the first 17 textbooks translated into the state language in the framework of the project "New humanitarian knowledge. 100 new textbooks." And so the translation and preparation for the publication of the next list of textbooks of 30 items were completed.
Among the novelties of the library is the textbook "Principles of Marketing" by Philip Kotler, "Strategic Management", "HR Management". New textbooks cover a wide range of knowledge in the field of world history, theory of literature, international law, pedagogy, Internet psychology, strategic management, marketing, media and business communications, diplomacy and art history.In particular, the textbook “Panorama: World History” in 2 volumes from McGrawHill publishes a large-scale overview of humankind development.
Among the textbooks needed to train new generation teachers are books such as Learning Theory: Horizons of Education, Rethinking Pedagogy for the Digital Age: Learning Design in the 21st Century, and Internet Psychology, published by the University of Cambridge, which will be interesting to a wide circle of readers. The translation and publication of these books in the Kazakh language represents a significant contribution to the development of Kazakhstan's higher education and the strengthening of science, and is also of great importance for the development of Kazakh language.
A signal copy of the books is presented at the book exhibition “Bolashaka badar: ruhani zhangyru”. Course in the future: spiritual renewal” in the reading room in the public domain.