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06 мая 2020

For the first time in Kazakhstan! Online tutoring - FREE!

Dear teachers and graduates of schools and colleges! Innovative Eurasian University offers the only service in Kazakhstan for applicants: “Free Bulletin Board” in the “ONLINE” mode   (talapker2020.kz).

22 апреля 2020

Regional online gathering of young journalists "Kanat kagu"!

We invite schoolchildren and students from 7 to 18 years old to participate in the regional online gathering of young journalists “Kanat kagu”!

20 апреля 2020

Attention! Innovative educational programs!

Check out innovative educational programs available to study at InEU!

16 апреля 2020

For teachers and students!

We inform you that EBSCO Information Services, together with the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, has opened free access to seventeen full-text

03 апреля 2020

Graduates of schools and colleges in Kazakhstan!

Take a unique chance to enter the Innovative University of Eurasia with a big discount!

03 апреля 2020

Attention, graduates!

In connection with the declared emergency, documents for participation in the UNT will be accepted from April 15.

01 апреля 2020

Attention! Competition!

The main prize - a laptop - is already waiting for its owner!

06 марта 2020

Innovative University of Eurasia announces a tender for services on English training to scientists and staff of TCO/TTOs!

Within the framework of Fostering Productive Innovation Project LLP “ Innovative University of Eurasia ” announces a tender for services on English training to scientists and staff of TCO/TTOs.
