Ph.D. Program

From 03 July to 03 August.

From 04 August to 20 August.

until August 28.
Code and classification of the field of education |
Code and classification of training areas |
Educational Program Group |
Name of educational program |
8D04 Business, Management and Law |
8D041 Business and Management |
D070 Economy |
8D04101 Economy |
8D042 Law |
D078 Law |
8D04201 Law |

Provision on admission to the organization of higher and postgraduate education for doctoral studies (hereinafter- Provisions) developed on the basis of the Model rules for admission to training in educational organizations that implement educational programs of higher and postgraduate education (Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018 No. 600. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on October 31, 2018 No. 17650), in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2007 "On Education" and subparagraph 1) of Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 15, 2013 "On Public Services". This Regulation determines the procedure for admitting persons to doctoral educational programs.
- Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign citizens who have a master's degree and work experience of at least 9 months or who have completed residency training in medical specialties are admitted to doctoral studies.
- Foreign citizens can apply for participation in a competition for free education on the basis of a state educational order only in cases stipulated by international treaties and agreements ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Admission to doctoral studies is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of entrance exams for groups of educational programs.
- The entrance exam for doctoral studies consists of writing an essay, passing a test for readiness to study in doctoral studies and an exam on the profile of a group of educational programs.
- Materials for the entrance exam (topics of essays, exam questions) are developed by HEI.
- Materials for the entrance examination are approved by the highest collegial body of the HEI.
- Examination materials that meet the requirements of the NTC must be received by the NTC no later than the deadline established by the authorized body.
- For the period of entrance examinations and enrollment in doctoral studies, subject examination and appeal commissions are created for the admission of entrance examinations; a separate commission is created to check the essay.
- Examination commissions are formed of highly qualified employees with a scientific degree in specialties corresponding to areas of training (candidate, doctor of science) or PhD.
- The Appeals Commission consists of a chairman and at least three members of the Commission. It is allowed to create an examination and / or appeal commission for a separate educational program, as well as a single examination and / or appeal commission for related areas of training.
- The composition of the examination and appeal commissions is approved by the order of the head of the HEI.
- Applications for doctoral studies are accepted from July 3 to August 3, entrance exams for groups of educational programs are held from August 4 to August 20, enrollment - until August 28 of the calendar year.
The procedure for admission to doctoral studies
- Persons entering doctoral studies in the period from July 3 to August 3 are registered on the website of the National Testing Center (NTC) for the subsequent passing of the entrance examination by groups of educational programs at the Regional Testing Centers (RTC). Applicants to HEI, subordinated to the Ministry of Culture and Sport and the Ministry of Health take entrance exams on the basis of their universities.
- Registration for the subsequent passing of the entrance exam is allowed 1 (one) time; re-registration on the NTC website is not allowed.
- Acceptance of documents is carried out on the NTC website, the applicant fills in personal data, chooses 1 (one) university for admission to doctoral studies and 1 (one) GEP, chooses the place for passing the entrance exam.
- NTC forms the schedule of entrance examinations in the context of regions. The programs and schedules of entrance examinations are communicated to applicants 3 (three) days before the start of the entrance exam.
- Persons entering doctoral studies submit the following documents for registration on the NTC website:
- a copy of a document on higher education and a master's degree (originals of diplomas with three appendices in Kazakh, Russian and English are presented upon / after enrollment in HEI);
- identity document;
- digital photo measuring 3x4 centimeters;
- medical documentation in the form 075 / y in electronic format, approved by order of the Acting Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 30, 2020 No. KR DSM-175/2020 "On the approval of forms of accounting documentation in the field of health care" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal acts under No. 21579);
- Applicants to doctoral studies provide international certificates confirming proficiency in a foreign language in accordance with the common European competences (standards) of proficiency in a foreign language in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018 No. 600
- personal sheet on personnel records (original) or other document confirming labor activity, certified by the personnel department at the place of work;
- a list of scientific and scientific-methodical works (scientific publications, if any) for the last 3 calendar years.
Entrance exam procedure
- The entrance exam for doctoral studies is carried out on the basis of the Regional Testing Center in a computer format.
- The duration of the entrance exam is 4 hours, during which the applicant writes an essay, passes a test for readiness to study in doctoral studies, answers an electronic examination ticket, consisting of 3 questions. The list of questions and the topic of the essay are randomly generated.
- The maximum score for the entrance exam is 100 points, of which essays - 20 points, LRT - 30 points, GEP profile exam - 50 points.
- Applicants can take the entrance exam in Kazakh, Russian and English languages of their choice, while all blocks of the exam must be in one of the selected languages.
- An essay is a reasoned written statement of the author's position on the problem posed on the basis of an independently conducted analysis using concepts and analytical tools of scientific knowledge.
The goal is to determine the level of analytical and creative abilities, expressed in the ability to build their own argumentation based on theoretical knowledge, social and personal experience.
Types of essays: motivational essay with the disclosure of incentives for research activities, scientific and analytical essay justifying the relevance and methodology of the planned research, problem / thematic essay reflecting various aspects of scientific knowledge in the subject area. It is recommended that HEI independently determine the types of essays depending on the GEP.
The essay should not contain graphic objects, symbols and formulas. The recommended number of words in an essay is 250-300.
- Essay grading criteria are developed by HEI based on the specifics of the GEP. In this case, it is recommended to proceed from the following criteria: depth and completeness of the disclosure of the topic based on theoretical knowledge, consistency, consistency and evidence of argumentation, compositional integrity of presentation, level of academic writing (vocabulary, knowledge of scientific terminology, grammar, and stylistics).
- The test to determine the readiness to study in doctoral studies reveals the level of logical and critical thinking. Test items are being developed by NTC. The maximum number of points is 30.
- The examination on the profile of a group of educational programs includes 3 blocks of questions, of which: 1st question determines the level and consistency of theoretical knowledge; The second question reveals the degree of formation of functional competencies; The third question is aimed at defining systemic competencies. The maximum number of points is 50.
- Exam questions, criteria for evaluating answers are developed and approved by the HEI. Recommended number of exam questions: for the social and humanitarian direction - 210 (70 for each block of questions, for the natural and technical direction - 150 (50 for each block of questions).
- Applicants can familiarize themselves with the results of the entrance exam on the next day of entrance exams through a notification in their personal account.
Appeal procedure
- An application for an appeal is accepted the next day after the announcement of the results of the entrance exam in the RTC through the applicant's personal account.
- Applications for appeal are reviewed by the HEI Appeals Panel within one day from the date of application.
- An appeal on the LRT block is considered by the Republican Appeals Commission of the NTC from persons entering doctoral studies on the content of test tasks and technical reasons.
- Essay and Profile Exam Appeals are made by the HEI Appeals Committees.
- The results of consideration of the application for appeal are posted in the personal account of the applicant.
The procedure for enrolling in doctoral studies
- Enrollment of persons in doctoral studies is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of the entrance examination.
- In the case of the same indicators of competitive points, the priority right when enrolling in doctoral studies is given to persons who have the highest score on the exam in the profile of the group of the educational program.
- In the case of the same indicators for the profile exam, scientific achievements corresponding to the profile of the educational program are taken into account: scientific publications, including in rated scientific publications included in the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science databases, in CQAES publications for the last 3 calendar years; certificates of scientific development; certificates of awarding scientific scholarships, grants; certificates / diplomas for participation in scientific conferences and competitions.
For further information, please contact: Pavlodar, st. Lomov, 45, building 1, room. 101. Tel .: 8 (7182) 67-37-37, +7 (700) 956-98-91, E-mail: