Employers and Partners

№ | Name of the enterprise | Contact information, e-mail | Disposition of activity |
1. | «Kazakhstanskiy elektroliznyy zavod» JSC | kas@erg.kz, 74-33-35 | Fabricated metal products |
2. | «Alyumyniy Kazakhstana» JSC | aok.paz@erg.kz, 37-01-11 | Fabricated metal products Heat energy supply Thermal power station |
3. | «TNK Kazkhrom» AFP JSC | aksfp@erg.kz, 8 (71837)9-04-88 | Production of chromium, siliceous and manganese alloys |
4. | «Pavlodarenergo» JSC | info@pavlodarenergo.kz, 90-33-09 | Heat supply |
5. | «PNKHZ» JSC | kanc@pnhz.kz, 39-60-09, 39-61-17 | Oil refining |
6. | «Kazenergokabel» JSC | kazkabel@kazkabel.kz, 53-92-24 | Wire and cable production |
8. | «Eurasian Energy Corporation» (Aksu-2) JSC | 8(71837)9-93-11 | Coal mining |
9. | «Caustic» JSC | info@caustic.kz, 73-12-01 | Filling of liquid chlorine |
10. | «Rosa» | info@zhana-rosa.kz, 77-05-02 | Soft drinks. Beer. Food production. |
11. | «Sut» JSC | 32-72-88 | Production of dairy products |
12. | «Kazakhtelecom» JSC | telecom@telecom.kz, 33-75-22 | Telephone communication services |
13. | «Pavlodar Machine-Building Plant» JSC | ergservice@erg.kz, 37-15-00 | Production of lifting machines and metal constructions |
14. | «Pavlodarlift» JSC | 32-20-93 | Lift maintenance |
15. | «Pavlodar Tram management» JSC | pavltu@mail.ru, 33-38-23, 33-38-63 | Tramway depot |
16. | «PREC» JSC | 32-20-22 | Heat supply |
17. | «Electrical products plant» JSC | info@pzemi.kz, 33-41-50 | Wiring products Wiring equipment |
18. | «Pavlodarmoloko» JSC | 68‒67‒43 | Production of dairy products |
19. | «GTRC Pavlodar» JSC | ertistv@kaztrk.kz, 33-89-93 | Broadcasting Company |
20. | «Nefrtekhim LTD» LLP | 61-10-88 вн. 0301, ok@nephtechim.kz | Petroleum products. POL. |
22. | «Bogatyr Akses Komir» LLP | odo@bogatyr.kz, 8(7187)22-35-05, 22-30-31 | Coal mining |
23. | PF «KSP Steel» LLP | kovgan_ev@pf.ksp-steel.kz, opiup@pf.ksp-steel.kz, 73-81-97, 73-87-60, 73-80-51, 33-36-35 | Metal products. Tubular products. |
24. | «Kasting» LLP | office@pf.casting.kz, 66-20-00 | Metal products. Tubular products. |
25. | «Tas-Ergo» LLP | taserga@mail.ru, т.555386, ф.327151 | Metal construction buildings construction |
27. | «Kazakhstan flour» LLP | 64-46-54 | Grain processing |
28. | «Pavlodar Bakery Plant» LLP | office@firmaphbk.kz, 65-31-51 | Bread and bakery products |
29. | «Rubikom» LLP | office@rubikom.kz, 53-98-04 | Food production. Sausage goods. |
30. | «PFMC Imstalkon» LLP | pzmk.peo@mail.ru, 33-41-91 | Metal constructions |
31. | «Pavlodar Design-engineering Institute of Automation and Mechanization» LLP | pktiam@mail.ru, 61‒60‒40, 32-55-59 | Agricultural equipment, spare parts for agricultural machinery. |
32. | «RITAM» LLP | ritampv@mail.ru, 73‒05‒02 | Metalworking, non-standard equipment production |
33. | «Elektronmash» LLP | 8‒777‒216‒75‒86 | Manufacture of metal products and industrial equipment. |
34. | «Pavlodar Boiler Plant» LLP | 33-37-54 | Self-heating boilers production |
35. | «Kazelektromotor» LLP | kaselectromotor@mail.ru, 33-41-86 | Overhaul of electric motors |
36. | «Rezon» LLP | reson3000mail.ru, т.336879, ф.334094 | Electrotechnical products |
37. | «Irtysh-standard» LLP | irtysh-standard@rambler.ru, irtyshstd@gmail.com, 61-09-49, 65-39-50, 65-39-51 | Certification. Licensing. Architectural and structural design. |
38. | «Tokkata» LLP | 33-39-15 | Food, cosmetics. |
39. | «Tehmaster» LLP | 61‒38‒85, 61-38-84 | Training center |
40. | «Eviktsiya» LLP | 32-00-58, 8-705-578-74-83 | Legal service |
41. | «Stalmontazh» LLP | office@stalmontazh.kz, 21-85-21 | Assembly of metal structures |
42. | «Pronto-Akmola» LLP | 32-37-46 | Innovative projects. Publisher. |
43. | «Togrtekhnika» LLP | 33-43-39 | Commercial equipment, maintenance and repair. |
44. | «Versiya-Press» LLP | versia.pv@gmail.com, 32-47-67, 32-49-04 | Editorial publishing house |
45. | RIO «ARNA» LLP | 55-65-75 | Broadcasting company |
46. | «Gidroprivod» LLP | office@gdp.kz, 39-00-79 | Service maintenance and repair of equipment |
47. | «"Raysy" the theater of fashion» LLP | 67‒32‒48 | Atelier |
48. | «Tsitalel» LLP | citadel-office@mail.ru, 31-00-03, 31-00-06 | Advertising agency |
49. | «Pavlodarteleradio» SME | 54-30-30 | Television and radio broadcasting company |
50. | «Zhylstroisberbank Kazakhstana» JSC | 70-39-00 | Banking facilities |
51. | «Alliance Bank» JSC | сallcenter@fortebank.com, 70-01-11, 32-94-64 | Banking facilities |
52. | «Kazmommertsbank» JSC | +7 800 080-00-59 | Banking facilities |
54. | «ATF Bank» JSC | info@atfbank.kz, 58-30-00 | Banking facilities |
55. | «BTA» JSC | 37-92-19 | Banking facilities |
57. | «Sberbank» JSC | 8‒800‒080‒60‒60 | Banking facilities |
58. | «Bank CenterCredit» JSC | info@bcc.kz, 70-38-83, 70-38-92 | Banking facilities |
59. | «Education management of Pavlodar region» GA | 32‒57‒25 | Education |
60. | «The court No 2 of Pavlodar» GA | 140212@sud.kz, 51-31-66 | Law enforcement authorities |
61. | «Education authority of Pavlodar» GA | kense.oo.ap@pavlodar.gov.kz, 32-21-67 | Education |
62. | «Employment coordination and social programs of Pavlodar region» GA | a.disyupova@eps.pavlodar.gov.kz, 73-13-53 | Social services |
63. | «The Department of the execution of judicial decisions in Pavlodar region» GA | 140211@sud.kz, 66-08-37, 66-08-39 | Law enforcement authorities |
64. | «The Department of the correctional system of Pavlodar region» GA | 54‒42‒92 | Law enforcement authorities |
65. | «Department of Internal Affairs of Pavlodar» GA | 37‒76‒11, 37‒76‒10 | Law enforcement authorities |
66. | «Regional Department of Internal Affairs of Pavlodar» GA | 61–74–09 | Law enforcement authorities |
67. | «Southern Department of Internal Affairs of Pavlodar» GA | 37-78-05 | Law enforcement authorities |
68. | «Tax Department of Pavlodar region» GA | 32-13-59 | Financial activity |
69. | «Administration of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Pavlodar region» GA | dpr_pvl@mail.ru, 65-25-51 | nature management |
70. | «Department of Tourism, physical training and sport of Pavlodar region» GA | kense.ufks@pavlodar.gov.kz, 61‒93‒62, 61‒91‒29 | Tourism. Sports associations. |
71. | «Justice Department of Pavlodar region» GA | 30-90-38 | Law enforcement authorities |
72. | «Republican Veterinary Laboratory» RSE | 70‒39‒32 | Veterinary. Body of state supervision. |
73. | «Phytosanitary» RSE | 34-12-15, 34-58-61 | |
74. | «Municipal Hospital No 1 of Pavlodar» MSE | 67‒32‒57 | Clinic |
75. | «Technical school for children» MSE | 68-28-85 | Training center |
76. | «Chamber of Commerce and Industry» Ltd | 67-62-20 | Commercial and industrial activity |
77. | «Desenta»PF | info@decenta.org, 30-00-07, 30-11-90 | Social Charitable Foundation |
78. | Convalescent center «Samal» Ltd | 68-29-39 | Public Organization |
79. | «Tourist Ecological Club AK-Who-Ridder » Ltd | Ust-Kamenogorsk, 8(7233)64-10-13 | Tourism |
80. | Regional newspaper «Tvoy mir» | Dvorec-pavlodar@yandex.kz, 32-35-06 | Editorial publishing house |
81. | Regional newspaper « Zvezda Priirtyshya» | 66‒15‒45, 32-01-34 | Editorial publishing house |
82. |
GU "Management of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for civil service in the Pavlodar region" |
20-85-06 | State Agency for Control over the Quality of Public Services |
83. | LLP Irtysh Group of Companies | personnel@irtysh-hotel.kz, 32-02-09 | Hotel Complex |
84. | LLP «ТАЕР» | 21950, 22439 | Щербактинская птицефабрика |
85. | LLP «Molkom-Pavlodar» | info@molkom.kz, 33-38-68 | Food |
86. | LLP «Warehouse of innovative technologies» | nfo@k-2.kz, 65-12-07, 7 (708) 466-58-55 | Selling software |
87. | LLP «Organization of the Scout Movement of Kazakhstan» | 32-85-23 | Social organization |
88. | SCE «Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Medical and Social Problems of Drug Addiction» | 60-50-23, 60-50-91 | Social medical institution |
89. | Children and Youth Center for Ecology and Tourism | ekotyr@yandex.kz, 33-30-24, 62-46-24 | Interschool training center |
90/ | LLP "Promanalit" | info@promanalyt.kz, 8 (7182) 49-80-01, 8 (705) 265-77-73 | Manufacturer and developer of gas analysis equipment. |