Intra-university subject student olympiad in InEU
An Olympiad in engineering and technology has started at the Innovative Eurasian University.
February 21-24, 2020, the Faculty of Engineering and Technology holds an intra-university subject student olympiad in the following areas:
Algorithmization and programming,
Information Theory,
3D modeling (competition, Web-technologies (competition),
Chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Organic chemistry, Analytical chemistry,
Ecology, Environmental monitoring, Geoecology,
Architecture and design,
Occupational Safety and Health,
Standardization and certification,
Mechanical Engineering and Technological Machines and Equipment,
Engineering and engineering,
Mathematics and statistics
210 first-third year students of the faculty took part in the Olympiad.
The Olympiad is held in Kazakh and Russian. Students who showed good results will be awarded with diplomas of I, II, III degrees and will be recommended for participation in national and international competitions.
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Satynskaya Aisulu