» » The scientific internship for the holder of the international scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the program "500 Scientists" Isayeva Zhanetta Batyrkhanovna PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Engineering
24 сентября 2024

The scientific internship for the holder of the international scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the program "500 Scientists" Isayeva Zhanetta Batyrkhanovna PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Engineering

The scientific internship for the holder of the international scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the program "500 Scientists" Isayeva Zhanetta Batyrkhanovna PhD, associate professor of the Department of Engineering and Industrial Technologies at Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russian Federation) has ended.

The internship was conducted under the guidance of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Soil Geography Alyabina I.O. in the field of "Research in the field of information and communication technologies (Geoinformation systems)", the topic of the scientific study "Assessment of natural resources based on the analysis of spatial data in a geoinformation system".

The tasks of the scientific internship have been completed in full in accordance with the approved program and individual curriculum. The purpose of the scientific internship was to improve the skills and abilities in assessing natural resources based on the analysis of spatial data in a geoinformation system.

As part of the scientific internship, I mastered a set of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities that contributed to the development of abilities for effective learning and rapid perception of a new flow of information, the formation of the ability to competently, effectively and optimally solve problems arising in the course of practical activities and necessary for successful professional activities focused on the development of functional literacy.

I would especially like to mention the highly professional teaching staff of the Faculty of Soil Science, the Department of Soil Geography represented by the President of the Faculty of Soil Science, Head of the Department, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor S.A. Shoba, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor I.O. Alyabina, Candidate of Biological Sciences, leading researcher O.M. Golozubov, Candidate of Biological Sciences of Biological Sciences, researcher Kirillova V.A., Candidate of Biological Sciences, senior researcher Sorokin A.S., who in the course of lectures, practical classes, creation of GIS projects in MapInfo Professional 17.0, Axiom 4.4 software products, master classes, seminars, trainings, webinars and round tables contributed to the effective and rapid assimilation of modern innovative and IR technologies in education. Degree of activity (participation in conferences, seminars, round tables, forums, etc.).:

1) 04.09.2023 - 12/31/2023 - training in MapInfo Professional software products 17.0, Axiom 4.4 (certificate).

2) September 12-13, 2023 - participation in the All-Russian scientific conference "Agrochemical Science - synthesis of academic knowledge and practical experience" dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Biochemistry, Moscow (with publication).

3) September 26, 2023 – online participation in a master class on the topic "Using UAVs for operational monitoring of soils and crops." FITZ "V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Institute", Moscow (certificate).

4) 02-05 October 2023 – online participation in the Global Symposium on Soil and Water Resources (GSOWA23), Moscow (certificate).

5) 04-06 October 2023 – online participation in the GIS DAYS 2023 forum, St. Petersburg (certificate).

6) October 06-07, 2023 - participation in the XXVI International Scientific and Practical Forum "Agrarian Science – agricultural production of Eurasia", dedicated to the memory of Academician B. Byambaa, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (with publication).

7) November 13-17, 2023 – online participation in the Twenty-first international conference "Modern Problems of Remote sensing of the Earth from Space", Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.

8) November 24, 2023 – online participation in an expert seminar on the topic "From vocational training to continuing professional Education", Center for Economics of Continuing Education of the Institute of Applied Economic Research of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

9) December 11-20, 2023 – online participation in the Acceleration program "School of a young researcher" (Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Belgorod State National Research University", Belgorod region, Belgorod) (certificate).

10) January 11, 2024 – online participation in the national dialogue platform "Does Kazakhstan need a nuclear power plant?" (Association "Ecoforum of Kazakhstan"), Pavlodar.

11) January 17, 2024 – online participation in a demo webinar dedicated to getting to know the NextGIS platform (Components and functions, instructions, real examples).

12) January 17-February 21, 2024 – participation in online lectures on "Climate change and carbon in terrestrial ecosystems: monitoring and adaptation" (scientists of the consortium "RHYTHM of Carbon").

13) January 19-20, 2024 – participation in the Winter School "Problems of artificial intelligence in the school course of social studies" (Faculty of Philosophy of Lomonosov Moscow State University).

14) January 24, 2024 – online participation in the RAEX-Sustainability webinar 139: How to make a sustainable development strategy from scratch. Experience the best and life hacks.

15) January 24-25, 2024 - online participation in the VII All-Russian Winter School of Pedagogical Excellence "Topical issues of Higher Education and Language Learning in the Era of Digitalization", Moscow State Pedagogical University named after M.T. Kalashnikov (certificate).

16) January 30-31, 2024 – participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Animal Hygiene and Ecology - the key to animal health and welfare", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Animal Hygiene and Poultry named after A.K. Danilova, K.I. Scriabin Moscow State Pedagogical University (Scriabin Moscow State Pedagogical University 23 Akademika Scriabin Street, Moscow) (with publication).

17) February 12-16, 2024 – online participation in webinars of the Faculty of Soil Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University on additional education programs.

18) March 02, 2024 – participation in the spring school for teachers of natural sciences and teachers of additional education "To help the teacher: project activities in the field of ecology" (certificate).

19) Participation in the D. Tereshkevich Central Asian Online School of Environmental Activism (certificate). Moderators: Svetlana Mogilyuk (EcoForum Kazakhstan) and Aliya Vedelikh (Ecostan News).

20) 02-24 June 2024 – participation in the educational zonal practice in soil science and geobotany (route Moscow – Tula zaseki – Polybino – Khrenovoe – Kachalino – Moscow).

21) July 7-13, 2024 – participation in the XI Moscow Summer Ecological School (MOSES) — 2024 "Soil and carbon-saving technologies for providing natural and climatic projects and ecosystem services of anthropogenically altered lands" on the basis of the central campus at the K.A. Timiryazev Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Agricultural Academy (certificate of advanced training).

22) August 12-16, 2024 – participation in the IX Congress of the V.V. Dokuchaev Society of Soil Scientists (Kazan with the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University with the participation of Kazan Agrarian University, Institute of Ecology and Subsoil Use of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, TatNIISKh FIT KAZNTS RAS and with the support of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan) (with publication).

Author: Isayeva Zhanetta Batyrkhanovna, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Engineering and Industrial Technologies