» » Meet with the master
03 июня 2019

Meet with the master

IMG-20190602-WA0007At the Department of Energy and Metallurgy, in early May 2019, he took a course of VIP lectures for students of the specialties Electric Power Engineering, Power Engineering and Metallurgy with Kosmas Kavadias, Professor at the University of West Attica, Athens , Greece (University of West Attica, Department of Mechanical Engineering).

The faculty of the department "Energy and Metallurgy" met Kosmas Kavadias as an old friend, because the department has long practiced such effective communication between faculty and our students with representatives of world science.
Throughout his stay in InEU, this remarkable, interesting person spoke about renewable energy, for example, about the operation of solar energy systems, their optimization and distribution, energy saving of buildings and much more.
Classes were held in English and were held in the laboratory of the Institute of Energy-Saving Technologies, the main purpose of which is the research activities of teachers and students of the department.
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These meetings are traditional, and the department intends to continue to continue international cooperation with the University of West Attica in the framework of academic activities of faculty and academic mobility of students.
We thank the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation, namely, its head Karimova KK, and students of this department for their help in organizing and conducting VIP-lectures.

Head of the Department "Energy and Metallurgy"
Umurzakova Anara Daukenovna
Senior Lecturer of the Department "Energy and Metallurgy"
Akizhanova Gulmira Kydyrbaevna