» » Internship in Rome is real!
30 мая 2019

Internship in Rome is real!

Солерно вид на Неаполитанский ЗаливClassics of creative education has always been to study in Italy. Therefore, the trip of teachers of the department "Industrial Engineering and Design", Mazina Yu.I. and Koposova E.N. can be considered as great luck.

The unexpected offer of the Novosibirsk Pedagogical University to go on an internship to Italy, the Vesuvius Institute of Archeology and Humanities in the city of Castelammare di Stabia (Naples) was greeted with great interest. The trip immediately assumed two stops, the first - Rome, and the second - Naples.
Within these cities, a whole range of excursions was formed, and two parts of the internship program.
Why is Rome called an eternal city? There are not so many cities in the world in which active life has not been extinguished for the past three thousand years. The city never disappeared, it always lived and with each era began to develop in a new way. It is surprising that practically no historical building in Italy was destroyed, but simply began to be rebuilt, completed, or built side by side. Therefore, now archaeologists are finding more and more new cultural layers of Rome, confirming its ancient history. Rome was lucky and in World War II, it was not bombed, which means there was no catastrophic destruction.
Touching these amazingly preserved antiquities, you realize how important it is to preserve the little that we can still save. Even if this epoch has already ended, it defines the stage of civilization and has the right to remain in memory as a historical artifact.
We have a lot to learn from multinational Italy, where many nations left their cultural traces and are treated not only with care, but with anxiety, realizing that each of them is part of the general history of the country, which gave life to many areas in science and art that we now called classic.
Naples is a southern city and completely different. The harbor is dirty and seems not as ancient as Rome. But what is next to it stirs the minds of artists, writers, historians and scientists for many centuries. But first about the institute, because it is located there.
The institute is located in a small but student-noisy town, almost at the foot of Vesuvius, Castellamare di Stabia. We would define it as a city in the “Naples Region”. Teachers are not visible. In a large area of many buildings, there is a museum of copies of ancient sculptures, where students have the opportunity to work throughout the day, draw, make measurements, study the features of forms from different historical periods. There are many students, some sit in the museum to draw or write something, others at lectures, others at a rally in the courtyard of the university campus. Fun…
Вилла Боргезе Знаменитый мост во Флоренции Архитектора Альберти

Собор Святого Петра в Ватикане 1
The institute offered a very active internship program, including theoretical and practical parts. In the first part, thanks to the organizers, we were able to visit the largest museums of Rome, Naples, and Florence. Such as the Borghese Gallery, the Uffizi. The incredible impression left by the works of art by Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Bernini, Raphael, Giotto, Botticelli. Each basilica and church, filled with works of the greatest masters, this gives the impression that all of Italy is one big museum.
Among the magnificent archaeological collections are the museums of Pompeii, the Etruscan Museum, the Naples Archaeological Museum.
You experience rare feelings after visiting such places as open museums with architectural monuments of 5-6 centuries BC. such as Tivoli, Paestum, Herculaneum, Pompeii, who died after the eruption of Vesuvius or simply left under pressure from other life circumstances. After the discovery of these cities in the 18th century, archeology and restoration acquired the status of sciences and began to be studied in universities. Throughout the journey through Italy, remarkable scientists and professors lectured on the history of the city, artists, sculptors.
The second part of the practical assumed artistic practice making sketches, sketches, sketches. At the end of the internship, an analysis of the work performed was conducted. Teachers of the department and other participants in the open-air were invited to the reporting exhibition in Novosibirsk.
The proposal to cooperate with Kazakhstani universities was approved rapidly and joyfully with all the ardor of the Italian temperament, therefore by the end of our stay a cooperation agreement was signed.
We hope that this cooperation will not remain on paper. It will be interesting to both historians, and philosophers, and cultural scientists.
We are already invited to develop an internship program for the next year. The university selects and coordinates all interesting options for travel and visits, helps to realize the tasks of international cooperation as economically as possible, which means the project can be available to students.

Ph.D. in History of Arts
Associate Professor of the Department of P & D
Mazina Yu.I.