» » We invite you to take part in the total dictation!
07 апреля 2019

We invite you to take part in the total dictation!

тотал диктантApril 13, 2019 at 14.00 an international educational event on the Russian language Total dictation will take place around the world. More than 3,100 Total Dictation sites will open worldwide. On the territory of Russia, the dictation will be written in 772 settlements, abroad the Russian Federation 340 cities from 79 countries will join the project. The global educational project “Total dictation” will cover 19 time zones on all six continents of the planet. According to the organizers, about 300 thousand people will take part in the April 13 action.

Those who will not be able to come to the Total Dictation on April 13 will be able to write it online at www.totaldict.ru during the broadcast. Registration began on April 3rd.

Pavlodar, on the initiative of the Slavic Cultural Center, has been participating in the campaign since 2014.

In 2018, he entered the top five leaders of foreign sites, along with such cities as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tallinn, Vladivostok. Our city is distinguished not only by the activity of the participants, but also by the consistently high number of excellent students. It was in Pavlodar that the fivefold excellent student of Total dictation came to light, which became a kind of record not only of our city, but also of Kazakhstan.

Total dictation in Pavlodar unites hundreds of citizens. The participants of the action are not only schoolchildren, students, working youth, but also journalists, creative intelligentsia, authoritative people of the city. At five venues last year, they were dictated by 19 famous people, among whom was a veteran of pedagogical work, T. Ivanov, an actress of the Regional Drama Theater named after A.P. Chekhov Khalim Khaziyeva.

The works of the participants were checked by 45 volunteer philologists. They are experienced school teachers, many of them veterans, who return to their usual work every year with pleasure. All these years this expert group in Pavlodar has been headed by the head of Department of Russian Language and Literature PSPU, Candidate of Philological Sciences Olga Andryuschenko. 

In 2019, Pavlodar intends to once again take part in the international literacy campaign.

Determined the site for total dictation. These are already traditional: PSPU (Mira St., 60), InEU (M. Gorkogo St., 102/4), Regional Library (Satpayev St., 104), and also new sites in the House of Friendship (1 Maya St., 35 / 1) and in the cafe "Nekafe" (Kairbayeva str., 34). For the second year, everyone will write the dictation with Berlingo pens, which will then be remembered by the participants. The organizing committee of the action is confident that the active participation of Pavlodar residents in the Total Dictation will promote the language literacy vector designated by the President, especially in the year that is declared the Year of Youth in Kazakhstan, and will strengthen the image of Pavlodar as a cultural and literate city.

Total dictation - an annual action for all comers, regardless of age, nationality, level of education and social status. It unites everyone who can or wants to write and speak Russian. Over the years, the Total Dictation has turned from a cheerful student flashmob, which was invented in 2004 at the NSU, into a large-scale international event. In 2018, Total Dictation was written by 227 thousand participants in 76 countries at 3,243 sites from 1,021 locations. The main motto of the action: “It’s fashionable to be literate!” The authors of the dictation texts in different years were modern Russian writers: Dmitry Bykov, Zakhar Prilepin, Dina Rubina, Evgeny Vodolazkin, Andrey Usachev, Leonid Yuzefovich, Guzel Yakhina. Unique texts are created under the control of the Expert Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The text of the current Total dictation was written by Pavel Bassinsky, a journalist, critic, author of sensational books about the life of Gorky and Leo Tolstoy.

Read more about the project on the website totaldict.ru

You can read the press release in the attached document.

Elena Vaybert,
Coordinator of Total dictation in Pavlodar
tel.: 8 702 488 17 35, e-mail: lena_weibert@mail.ru 