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20 декабря 2019

Reception of applications from participants in the competition committee is open!

From December 3, 2019, acceptance of tender applications from participants to tender commissions in the following areas begins.

20 декабря 2019

‘American English MOOC Facilitated Sessions’ Project

The project is administrated by the Teachers of English Association of the RK (KazTEA) and involves three sections within the U.S. Mission Kazakhstan: Regional English Language Office, Cultural Affairs Office

19 декабря 2019

New Year's holiday in InEU!

We invite students of 11th grade for the New Year holiday in InEU!

19 декабря 2019

Take part in the contest “Unforgettable moments with InEU”!

20 valuable prizes for the New Year! Chances to win have grown!

19 декабря 2019

Participate in the competition for the best "cosplay" of the Snow Maiden!

We are waiting for our snow maidens on December 24, 2019 at 16:00 in the assembly hall, where the New Year of our university will be held with a festive disco!

10 декабря 2019

Dear students and teachers of InEU!

We congratulate you on the upcoming holiday and invite you to a gala evening on the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Tugyrs Biik - Tauelsyz Kazakhstan"!

10 декабря 2019

Support your team in the contest “Youth for Digital Kazakhstan”!

On December 11, a competition "Youth for Digital Kazakhstan" for Pavlodar students will be held at InEU. The participants are the teams of InEU, PSU and PSPU.

09 декабря 2019

Schedule for the protection of business models under the minor program "Entrepreneurship"

Dear teachers, startup managers, partners and founders of the university! We invite you to take part in the open defenses of our students' business models under the minor program "Entrepreneurship".
