Dear colleagues!

Web of Science continues the updated series of free webinars in Russian in July 2020.
Detailed information on how to connect to webinars, on the rules for issuing certificates, as well as a detailed description of each series are presented on the page:
Series 1. Web of Science: A System for Finding Scientific Information
Series 1 webinars are hosted by Varvara Sosedova
Topic: Information platform Web of Science: content, opportunities, application
• July 15, Wednesday 14:00 (Moscow time)
Topic: Journal Citation Reports and impact factor: how to compare and select international scientific journals
• July 15, Wednesday 9:00 (Moscow time)
• July 16, Thursday 14:00 (Moscow time)
Topic: Publons and ResearcherID: Search for publications, author profile, and publication activity metrics
• July 16, Wednesday 9:00 (Moscow time)
• July 14, Tuesday 14:00 (Moscow time)
Series 2. Scientific Information Analysis: Clarivate Information Tools for Scientists and Administrators
Series 2 webinars are conducted by Irina Tikhonkova, Ph.D.
• July 21, Tuesday 8:00 (Moscow time)
• July 22, Wednesday 12:00 (Moscow time)
Topic: Professional assessment of publication activity (InCites analytical system)
• July 22, Wednesday 8:00 (Moscow time)
• July 23, Thursday 12:00 (Moscow time)
Topic: Organization Profile in Web of Science: Creation, Features, and Opportunities
• July 23, Thursday 8:00 (Moscow time)
• July 21, Tuesday 12:00 (Moscow time)
Series 3. Practical guidelines for publishing in international journals
Series 3 webinars are hosted by Valery Kurmakaev
Topic: How to learn to understand international magazines
• July 27, Monday, 10:00 (Moscow time)
Topic: EndNote Bibliography Features
• July 28, Tuesday, 10:00 (Moscow time)
Topic: How to prepare a publication for an international magazine
• July 29, Wednesday, 10:00 (Moscow time)
Web of Science — Internet search platform that combines abstract databases of publications in scientific journals and patents, including databases that take into account mutual citation of publications. Web of Science covers materials on the natural, technical, social, humanities and arts.
InEU Press Service